COVID-19 Test Kit Vending Machine
COVID-19 Test Kit Vending Machine
Provide your students and staff easy, convenient access to self-administered COVID-19 test kits with USI’ COVID-19 Test Kit Vending Machine. Many educational institutions have scaled up symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19 testing efforts through Return-to-Learn programs.
The goal of the COVID-19 Test Kit Vending Machine is to help make campuses safer by quickly identifying and containing any potential outbreaks of COVID-19. Place these easy-to-use machines in residence halls, dining areas, or other campus buildings for “can’t miss” access.
To receive a test kit, users simply make the selection via the user interface keypad or optional 10.1” touchscreen on the machine. Once the user completes the self-administered test, the user can return their test kit to designated drop locations on campus.
For enhanced verification, our optional card reader interface allows you to verify a user’s credentials via student IDs or campus cards prior to dispensing the test kit. With the optional card reader interface you can connect with your existing backend software. To ensure card reader compatibility, backend integrations must be reviewed with the payment gateway supplier before machine orders are placed.
With the optional card reader interface, you can set access restrictions through the payment gateway utilizing credit allowances. Access restrictions include restricting the number of test kits available to users within a certain timeframe. For example, you may allow students living on campus to access one test kit on a weekly basis.
Our optional UVend Technology makes the machine’s high-touch surfaces safer by utilizing UV light to kill or inactivate up to 99.9% of viruses and bacteria including influenza and the COVID-19 virus.