Can you imagine a future where your soda vending machine sits next to one that vends marijuana? As far-fetched as this scenario may have seemed even five years ago, changing laws and attitudes are making it more and more possible.
In Colorado, there are already vending machines for sale that will vend medical marijuana to give to verified patients. And, a self-serve machine is heading toward legal approval. However, the state already has legalized recreational use, as has Washington. Many more states could be on the way; as it currently stands, 14 states have decriminalized marijuana and 21 have legalized medical use. Other states have bills and voter initiatives in the works. Americans’ attitudes toward marijuana have become more liberal, as well. In a recent CNN poll, 55% of respondents said that recreational use should be legal.
At the same time, it has become more difficult to legally vend cigarettes. The machines are now only allowed in places like 21 and up bars and casinos; this is to ensure that vending is restricted to people who are over the age of 18. But, what if those machines could be retrofitted to offer additional products with far higher revenue?
The marijuana vending machine manufacturer that makes the self-serve ZaZZZ machine has incorporated biometrics to make sure that the medical marijuana machine vends only to adults. As this technology develops, it could easily be implemented for recreational products, as well, including marijuana cigarettes.
One thing is sure: don’t give up on cigarette vending machines just yet. With the distinct possibility of wider legalized marijuana throughout the states, cigarette vending machine owners could soon find that their old machines can fit new commercial marijuana cigarette packs.
vending machine manufacturer,vending machines for sale