Is There a Future in eCigarette Vending?

eCigarettes have suddenly exploded in popularity. Many people who are trying to quit smoking cigarettes are trying the electronic options instead, considering this a healthier way to get their nicotine dose. Is there a potential for those who currently have a cigarette vending machine to switch over to this new technology?

One vending machine manufacturer is making the switch and building machines that they call the “Vape Station.” There are no figures yet on how successful this machine will be, but, many large companies are investing in ecigarette and vaping technology.

Those looking to expand their business to include ecigarettes should keep an eye on rulings from the FDA. The regulatory organization has announced that it will now regulate the new technology and will be imposing rules on sale. New rules will include a requirement to show identification when purchasing ecigarettes and that the devices should not be sold to people who are under the age of 18.

Current FDA regulations say that cigarette vending machines can only be placed in locations that bar people under the age of 18 from entering. This way, it can be ensured that buyers are over the legal age. When deciding to invest in ecigarette vending machines, it would be wise to scout locations such as bars and casinos that only allow legal adults.

Looking for ways to expand your route? U Select It offers a range of vending options including drink vending machines and snack vending machines.

Cigarette Vending Machine