Alpine ST5000 Vending Machine

Have you checked out our latest vending machines for sale? The Alpine ST5000 Elevator unit is a single-temperature vending machine that has the capacity of vending a variety of food, snack and drinks. A few of the great features include: Point of Sale: New Backlit point of sale window for

Coffee Consumption: On the Rise

Do you have the products your vending customers want? Looking for a new product to introduce at your locations? Coffee consumption in the US is a trend that is not going away any time soon, and it is steadily rising each year. Coffee vending machines for sale now are some

Staying Hydrated to the Summit

A good workout can often feel like climbing to the summit of a mountain. It is a lot of work and can be challenging, but it is rewarding afterwards. USelectIt has just the drink vending machine for gyms and workout facilities that want to keep their patrons hydrated and satisfied

Hot and Odd Vending Beverages

Fall is fast approaching and that means our food and drink cravings will start changing from cool iced teas and light, fresh dishes to hot chocolates, warm beverages and anything with “pumpkin spice” in its name. A new product from Coca-Cola is set to be released in Japan and to

Satellite Solutions

If you have perused around before, you will have noticed that we have a few machines that have similar names to our standard line of vending machines but include the word “Satellite.” While it would be a pretty impressive feat for our vending machines to orbit the Earth, this

Our Favorite Drink Vending Machines: The Summit 500

If you work with drink vending machines on a regular basis, you know how important versatility can be. Your beverage selection is subject to change at a moment’s notice as a result of beverage prices and availability, in addition to the preferences of individual clients. One week you might need

Vending Machines for Sale Vend Anything, Anywhere!

Vending machines for sale come in all shapes and sizes. They vend everything from soda and snacks, to coffee and salads, to fish bait and DVD’s. And plus, you can put snack vending machines pretty much anywhere. Pretty, pretty, pretty much anywhere. Anywhere there’s room, that is. But seriously, you

Kosher Vending Machines For Sale – Are You Meshuga?

Sorry, just a little fun to add into this crazy little idea I found when looking for ideas for vending machines. As a company that has vending machines for sale we are ALL about these machines and sometimes like to find some of the oddest, funniest, and wackiest ideas people

Some Of The Weirdest Ideas For Vending Machines For Sale!

When you think about it, all innovative and “new” products are probably considered weird or odd when they first come to mind. You might think it’s awesome and someone else can’t help, but snigger at you. Do you really think everyone took Doctor Martin Cooper seriously when he stated talking

Snack vending machines and Drink vending machines and Food… Oh My!

If you live in a big metro area like New York or California, you know the amount of people that pass by a vending machine every second – especially in a city like Manhattan. This is a multi-billion dollar industry for a reason, namely because people are always on the

I Want To Buy A Vending Machine – What Options Are Available?

When it comes to vending machines, this is like naming off the different brands of cars – there are SO many options to choose from. Most of the time though, there are THREE main types of machines. First you have the somewhat profitable, but less quality combo machines. These are