Vending Machines for the Jet Set

Have you ever been in a super big hurry, about to fly in your private jet to the tropical island that you own before monsoon season hits, and are jonesing for some caviar to take on the flight? Nope, we didn’t think so. But just in case, some Californian caviar

Stay on the Cutting Edge of Vending with New Software

The vending machines of old have evolved quite a bit over the past few decades. Sure, you can scrounge up some change and dollar bills and grab yourself a snack, but many modern vending machines allow customers to make cashless purchases with their credit cards. Thanks to some brand new

Keep Productivity Up with Vending Machines

A hungry worker is an unpleasant worker. Without sufficient nourishment, an employee’s work ethic will begin to slack and concentration will go from TPS reports to stomach growls. We have all heard the expression that a car cannot run without gas. While it is certainly trite, there is a serious

Drink Vending Machines and Recycling

Drink vending machines quench our thirst, whether we are on the go, at the mall, or stuck in the office. When we are not at home, it is easy to forgo environmentally friendly habits. Most people would rather not carry empty drink bottles with them all day until they find

Machines for Smaller Vending Needs

Here in the United States we love having infinite choices. We want to personally customize everything from our cars to the food we eat. We are told the customer is always right and we can have it “our way.” But there is such a thing as too many choices. Have

USelectIt Is Eco-Friendly

Many of us are trying to do our part to help the environment so that future generations will actually have a planet to live on. We’d rather not see the scenario from the movie Wall-E play itself out. Of course, not every company has hopped on the green wagon, but

Combination Snack And Soda Vending Machines

So, you want to put a soda vending machine and a snack vending machine in one place. sounds like a great plan except there might only be enough room for one option. You’ll have to weigh these options. Sodas and waters seem like such a no brainer until you consider

Reliable Tech Support

Soda and snack vending machines can make life easier in the office, at the hospital, or on a college campus. But like any machines, sometimes things go awry. Such is the nature of technology. But that shouldn’t cause panic if you leased or purchased a snack vending machine from USelectIt.

Keep Snack Vending Machines Clean

Keeping vending machines stocked is something that those who own and operate snack vending machines pride themselves on. For many the business model is that you find vending machines for sale through a company like Uselectit and from there you basically own and operate your own business offering people and establishments a

Soda Vending Machines Get Healthier?

Recently the beverage industry under recent pressure from health advocacy groups has gone on the defensive about their apparently sugar filled products that some would like to suggest are making Americans fat. In response they have made concessions, smaller sizes, more natural products like juices and waters, healthier sodas designed

Snack Vending Machines For Relief

I was wandering around the hospital where a friend was staying for a few weeks before and after a major operation. I was kind of stressed out and while it is not the healthiest way to deal with these things I want to do a bit of comfort eating. Of

Vending Machines For Medical Supplies

Sure, you’re familiar with the snack and soda vending machines you see in the waiting areas of venues and buildings. You get your snacks quick and you can return to whatever it is that you were doing. But did you know that there are specialty dispensing machines for other products?

Schools Keep Students Motivated With Vending Machines

Long sleepless nights. Paper after paper, project after project, one exam after another. The life of a college student is an endless Myth of Sisyphus. Sometimes the only thing that keeps you motivated is knowing that you can look forward to that next bottle of soda. That sugary sweet goodness

Vending Machines For Hospitals

Hospitals do a lot of good things for people. But the environment can be stressful for visitors. Family and friends may be asked to wait around for hours during a surgery or resting hours. And with their loved ones going through serious treatment, nerves are on edge. What hospitals provide

How A Soda Vending Machine Effects Office Productivity

Whether you work a standard nine to five or the graveyard, do physical labor or sit at a desk, the work day is a tiring and strenuous thing. In each day you must get a set amount of work done. You are expected to crank out your best efforts every

Snack Vending Machines and Childhood Memories?

It may seem like a bizarre thing to say but snack vending machines play a role in my favorite childhood memories and continued to throughout my so-called growing pains. When I was a kid my parents were members of a local bowling league with their best friends. I was so

Amusing Snack and Beverage Vending Machines

One thing I love to do is to is find out the cool things that other countries offer their citizens. For some reason I like researching unusual snack vending machines. A few really sparked my interest and now a hobby of mine is to keep looking for these. You may

Soda Machines Are the New Water Coolers

I’ve worked in many offices in my time and never saw people gather around a water cooler like they do in TV and movies.  I don’t see why; it’s only water.  However, as recently as last year I’ve seen a handful of people congregate around soda vending machines.  Most of

Snack Vending Machines For Adults

Back in the day, way back in High School whenever I had a study break I used to stop by the gym where they had the soda and snack vending machines. Back then it was a choice between Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, and Sprite. As for snacks it was mostly

The Curative Effects of Snack Vending Machines

“My head hurts. Do you have any Advil?” “No, sorry. Drink some coffee.” “I can’t. I gave up coffee for the New Year. And why would I drink coffee anyway?” “Because it has caffeine. And caffeine can quash a headache.” “Really?” “Yeah. You should go get a Coke from the