Overseas Vending Machine Distributors

U-Select-It builds an array of vending machines for our partner distributors who supply vending operators across the globe. We have vending machines that include food, drinks, combo units, cigarettes, snacks, coffee and much more. Our vending machines are built with innovative technology that gives vending operators a significant advantage over

Happy Independence Day from Uselectit

Happy Independence Day from the team at U-Select-It. We hope you stay safe this holiday and are able to celebrate it with your close family and friends.

The Multivend Revolution

When you are looking at vending machines for sale, you may feel frustrated because of the associated cost. Even if it will pay itself, the upfront costs can be daunting. This is especially true if you were hoping to offer both sodas and snacks. That is why you may be

2014 NAMA OneShow

USelectIt recently participated in the 2014 NAMA OneShow. The NAMA OneShow provided a venue where vendors, operators and suppliers in the vending and refreshment industries could come together and learn from one another. The show was a resounding success, with over 4,300 attendees and over 500 operator companies represented, as

Is There a Future in eCigarette Vending?

eCigarettes have suddenly exploded in popularity. Many people who are trying to quit smoking cigarettes are trying the electronic options instead, considering this a healthier way to get their nicotine dose. Is there a potential for those who currently have a cigarette vending machine to switch over to this new

Cupcake Withdrawal

Even though the vending machines for sale on our website can vend a huge variety of tasty snacks and beverages, USelectIt has not yet entered the cupcake vending machine game. Luckily for all of you cupcake enthusiasts out there, one of the world’s premier cupcake makers has! Sprinkles, the world’s

A Vending Machine Creates Office Harmony

No one performs well when hungry. If your blood sugar is low, you are not working to your full potential and you are not being a fully effective employee. Therefore, by investing in a vending machine, your company is actually investing in office productivity. With access to a vending machine,

Vending Machines for Sale Online

When I was little, the snack vending machines in the clubhouse of the beach club to which we belong seemed magical. My brother and I were rarely allow to have candy or other treats, so getting something from one of the vending machines was an exciting event.  What kept it

Ladies: Vending Machines For Your Feet

We’ve talked on this blog about drink vending machines and snack vending machines. This week we’ll discuss machines that vend something of a completely different nature. Currently in specific locations of England there are vending machines outside of nightclubs and bars that offer cheap, comfortable shoes for lady’s who have

Early Vending Machines

Previously, if I’d been asked to take a guess as to when the earliest versions of vending machines were, I probably would have guessed sometime in the early part of last century. I imagine some sort of glass bottle Coca-cola drink vending machine made out of aluminum and the size

Soda Vending Machines Evil Inhabitant: Four Loko

We’ve shown you some crazy things on this blog come out of snack and drink vending machines. We’ve shown you drink vending machines that distribute entire bottles of wine. We’ve shown you snack vending machines that distribute different kinds of baby carrots. We’ve shown vending machines that provide camera film,

The Conveniences of Vending Machines

Remember that episode of The Office where Jim put all of Dwight’s belongings in the snack vending machine? Well, it got me to thinking, Hey, that’s not a bad idea. Office supply vending machines! It’s a million-dollar idea! Naturally it’s already been thought up. There are vending machines that pop

New Vending Machines For Sale From U-Select-It

This week on our blog, we’re going to discuss one of the new snack vending machines for sale through U-Select-It: The NEW Alpine Combi 3000. What’s the biggest problem with getting a new snack or soda vending machine (and we literally mean, BIGGEST problem)? Why, getting the vending machine through

Prescription Drug Vending Machines For Sale? Not Quite Yet…

With all of the innovation in snack vending machines and drink vending machines, we were bound to see someone come up with the idea of prescription drug vending machines. In England, two types of the prescription drug dispensing machines are proposed to be introduced. There is currently one model being

Drink Vending Machines Lost Items: Fruitopia

In keeping with the theme from our posts a few weeks ago, we’re going to take a stroll down drink vending machines memory lane. Let’s go back to 1994: a time when a pre-Monica Lewinsky Bill Clinton was in the Oval office, people everywhere were wearing unfortunate Doc Martins and

The Robotic Vending Machine

Think vending machines are stationary?  Well, think again!  Think vending machines can’t speak?  Well, think again!  Japan loves its vending machines.  Vending virtually everything from cigarettes to live lobsters, they have it all.  But when it comes to a true classic like a refreshing can of Coca-Cola, they’ve kept some

These Aren’t Your Average Snack Vending Machines…

Think that snack vending machines and drink vending machines are limited to potato chips and cokes? Think again! Here are 3 snack vending machines and drink vending machines that really push the envelope in terms of what’s inside… 1)      Pizza Vending Machines (Italy) – With this strange snack vending machine,

Vending Machine Dreams

I always dreamed of having my own vending machines for sale. Meaning that I would sell the items of the vending machines to my friends and self, and then collect the profits when it was time to refill the machine. I thought it would be so cool to have my