Take Your Vending Service to the Next Level with the Alpine ST5000

If you take a simple look at the world around you, every piece of technology you own is quickly evolving. You might have the best smartphone on the block…until a new one hits shelves weeks later. And while vending machines seem like a consistent pillar of design when everything else

Great Service Long After You Buy Your Vending Machine

If you are a USelectIt customer or have browsed our expansive range of products before, you probably know by now you are guaranteed to find a top-quality vending machine to meet any kind of business needs. However, we care about way more than just providing you with the best machines.

Ideal Vending Machines for Kids

It is no secret kids love vending machines. Whether they are at school, a local recreation center, or an arcade, few children can resist the alluring glow of a big metal machine that can grant them any sugary treat they choose. If you own any type of business where young

Vending Machines for the Gym

The gym is the primary place for people to exercise, train, and socialize. It is also a place where people get really thirsty. Fortunately, here at USelectIt we have a great selection of drink vending machines to keep your fitness clients hydrated and happy. If you run a large facility and

Coffee Shop Convenience in the Office

Coffee is arguably the official fuel we run on. There is a reason every coffee shop in town is packed to the brim on a weekday morning. The kick of caffeine is just what we need to get us ready to work, and the variety of great flavors available gives

Drink Vending Machines and Recycling

Drink vending machines quench our thirst, whether we are on the go, at the mall, or stuck in the office. When we are not at home, it is easy to forgo environmentally friendly habits. Most people would rather not carry empty drink bottles with them all day until they find

A Vending Machine During Heat Waves

Today we’d like to take the time to highlight some very cool vending machine technology, literally and figuratively speaking. We’re always looking for ways to improve user experience and to stay ahead of the game in the vending world. The US has been having quite a few bouts of heat

The Shoe Vending Machine Has Made Its Way to the U.S.

Some time ago, we talked about UK vending machines that weren’t your typical drink vending machines.  Instead, they had flat ballet shoes and were planted in clubs so that women could keep on dancing the night away, even when their heels gave out or they just couldn’t hold themselves up

Vending Machine Snacks As Meal Replacement?

It’s like a moth to the flame. When you see a vending machine, you want something. Even when the selection isn’t great, you get a craving. But some vending machines will hold good items while others not so much. If you plan to put a vending machine in your store,

Schools Keep Students Motivated With Vending Machines

Long sleepless nights. Paper after paper, project after project, one exam after another. The life of a college student is an endless Myth of Sisyphus. Sometimes the only thing that keeps you motivated is knowing that you can look forward to that next bottle of soda. That sugary sweet goodness

Reverse Vending Machines That Let You Recycle Light Bulbs

One of the coolest new vending machines to come out recently is one that vends out rewards to you for putting in recyclable materials, like light bulbs and batteries. A new pilot program for these vending machines was launched on London Ikea stores, where customers could bring in light bulbs

A Vending Machine Creates Office Harmony

No one performs well when hungry. If your blood sugar is low, you are not working to your full potential and you are not being a fully effective employee. Therefore, by investing in a vending machine, your company is actually investing in office productivity. With access to a vending machine,

Vending Machines for Sale Online

When I was little, the snack vending machines in the clubhouse of the beach club to which we belong seemed magical. My brother and I were rarely allow to have candy or other treats, so getting something from one of the vending machines was an exciting event.  What kept it

Pepsi Vending Machines Let You Send Drinks to Friends

Pepsi has come up with a pretty crazy idea for their drink vending machines. The company is trying to integrate social networking with soda. Here’s how these new experimental vending machines for sale will work: You buy a soda for your friend. You then give the machine your friend’s name

Drink Vending Machines: the Can or the Bottle?

I love drink vending machines. Every time I see one I get distracted, fishing for a dollar to get a cold, refreshing soda. But often when given the choice of both a can or bottle, I have a hard time deciding. Which is really the best? The can is great

Coffee Machines Are The Best Drink Vending Machines

Coffee. It’s the edge we need at the start of the day to keep our eyes open and our bodies awake. It’s also great for an afternoon pick me up. And when it comes to drink vending machines, a coffee machine can be one of the best things to have

Weird Vending Machines From Around the World

When we think vending machines, we think of trusty snack vending machines that gives us that chocolate goodness during our lunch break. Or maybe the drink vending machines that hold our beloved Cherry Coke. But around the world (and even here in the United States) there are a lot of

Drink Vending Machines: The Wonder of a Younger Generation

Isn’t it funny when you look back at your childhood and think of the things that kept you entertained? For example, I remember a time period when watching the mechanical arm in a soda vending machine move up and grab my soft drink purchase, then safely bring it down to the

Ladies: Vending Machines For Your Feet

We’ve talked on this blog about drink vending machines and snack vending machines. This week we’ll discuss machines that vend something of a completely different nature. Currently in specific locations of England there are vending machines outside of nightclubs and bars that offer cheap, comfortable shoes for lady’s who have

Early Vending Machines

Previously, if I’d been asked to take a guess as to when the earliest versions of vending machines were, I probably would have guessed sometime in the early part of last century. I imagine some sort of glass bottle Coca-cola drink vending machine made out of aluminum and the size