Stephen King Was Wrong

World famous author Stephen King was, for a time, writing a strange and always annoying column for the magazine Entertainment Weekly. In these columns, which ran until last year, King would make broad pronouncements about what the best movies, music, and books were. I have never read a Stephen King

Book Vending Machines for Literary Geeks

When you think about vending machines, everyone just assumes snacks and soda. Well, unless you live in Japan. Then you think about live lobsters, bicycles, and Raman noodles. Sometimes my brain is in the mood to digest some food for thought, pardon the extremely bad pun. If there is one

High-Tech Snack Vending Machines

As technology increases on our favorite electronics, gadgets, and gizmos, so does the technology on our snack vending machines. Normally we don’t equate high-tech and vending machines, but even vending machines can be improved upon. One company has designed a system to make vending machines more efficient. A small device

Choices Galore at U-Select-It

If you’re searching for vending machines for sale, you’ve got plenty of options when you buy from U-Select-It. They have way more options than your standard snack vending machine. They sell machines for coffee, food, snacks, drinks, and combo machines. The coffee machines aren’t filled with sub-par coffee beans either.

Crazy Vending Machines for Sale in Japan

Oh those Japanese! They really do have some crazy vending machines for sale. Let’s take a look at some of the weirdest ones that I came across. Live Lobster: Who wouldn’t want a fresh, live lobster from a machine? Sounds like a great idea to me! It’s actually more like

Mallomars Should Be in Snack Vending Machines

After having a recent craving for the deliciousness of Mallomars, I realized that this delectable treat should be inside of all snack vending machines. Why? Why not?! Mallomars are essentially a non-heated/melted S’mores. You have a graham cracker bottom, a marshmallow center, and chocolate right over the top. How wonderful

Who Wants Gum from a Snack Vending Machine?

It’s not as often, but there are occasions I have wandered up to snack vending machines and have seen gum or mints inside. Now I know you’re probably thinking, “But what if someone wants minty fresh breath?” I’m a firm believe that people should always carry a pack in their

Ode to Cheez-Its: A Staple of Snack Vending Machines

Cheez-its are amazing. Their crackers, yet their cheesy in all the right ways. It’s like a heavenly crunch with each bite. And they are staples of snack vending machines. Have you ever seen a snack vending machine without a mini bag of cheez-its in it? Probably not. But if you

Snack Vending Machine Nostalgia

I remember when I was a kid what my absolute favorite candy bar to buy from any of the local snack vending machines was. Nutrageous. I’m not sure if they still continue to make Nutrageous, but I certainly don’t see it in vending machines anymore. It was a candy bar of

Weird Vending Machines From Around the World

When we think vending machines, we think of trusty snack vending machines that gives us that chocolate goodness during our lunch break. Or maybe the drink vending machines that hold our beloved Cherry Coke. But around the world (and even here in the United States) there are a lot of

Another Story About Healthy Options For Snack Vending Machines

Another day, another story about snack vending machines switching to organic foods. It is becoming as inevitable as death and taxes, as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.  Everywhere you turn, there is another story about a school or a business or the lobby of

A Vending Machine Nightmare: My Snack is Stuck

It’s been hours since I’ve eaten. I’ve been stuck up at the registers ringing nonstop. All I want right now is a delicious Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup to satisfy my craving and hold me over until dinner. My manager finally lets me take a 15 minute break. I run to

Ladies: Vending Machines For Your Feet

We’ve talked on this blog about drink vending machines and snack vending machines. This week we’ll discuss machines that vend something of a completely different nature. Currently in specific locations of England there are vending machines outside of nightclubs and bars that offer cheap, comfortable shoes for lady’s who have

Snack Vending Machines Miss Gator Gum

When we’ve discussed on this blog items that you could no longer find in a vending machine, we’ve caught ourselves leaning more towards soft drinks over anything else. This week we’re going to discuss an item that no longer makes appearances in those snack vending machines. Gator Gum. No, this

Soda Vending Machines Evil Inhabitant: Four Loko

We’ve shown you some crazy things on this blog come out of snack and drink vending machines. We’ve shown you drink vending machines that distribute entire bottles of wine. We’ve shown you snack vending machines that distribute different kinds of baby carrots. We’ve shown vending machines that provide camera film,

Life Lessons: Don’t Cheat the Vending Machines

It’s bad enough getting caught doing something illegal, but it’s even worse when you get caught in a particularly compromising position, like, say with both your arms crammed into a drink and snack vending machine, like Homer here: Worse still, since you’re probably not a cartoon, calling for help will

The Conveniences of Vending Machines

Remember that episode of The Office where Jim put all of Dwight’s belongings in the snack vending machine? Well, it got me to thinking, Hey, that’s not a bad idea. Office supply vending machines! It’s a million-dollar idea! Naturally it’s already been thought up. There are vending machines that pop

Veggie Vending Machines

When it comes to who has the crazier snack vending machines, the heat is on. Literally. It’s on the heads of lettuce that Japanese vending machines have been churning out for the past few months. According to “The portable fluorescent garden is on sale for $90,000, with the target

What’s In Your Vending Machine?

If you think wine in drink vending machines is crazy, get a load of what China has started vending. Yep, that’s right: Live crabs. They’re kept alive but sedated at 5°C (41°F) and sell for about $2 a pop. The machines have been installed at various underground rail stations in Nanjing.

Vending Machines For Sale Of Wine Now Available In Pennsylvannia

Just read this story from ABC Local in Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia: “A tiny revolution took place at 11:00 a.m. Saturday in Drexel Hill. For the first time ever in Southeastern Pennsylvania, a customer purchased wine from a vending machine at a supermarket. The wine kiosk that opened this morning, right next